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Who is the Everyday Heroes Foundation?

For 36 years, the Everyday Heroes Foundation [1] has supported the Victor-Doré and Joseph-Charbonneau schools in order to provide the students of these schools with the missing boost to enable the purchase of adapted equipment or the required monetary support. for carrying out special projects.

To date, the foundation has donated more than $1,000,000 to the two schools for different projects and types of adapted or specialized equipment. Visit “Your donations in action” for more details.

The Victor-Doré and Joseph-Charbonneau schools are two schools of the Commission scolaire de Montréal (CSDM) which provide education for disabled students.

Founded in 1932, Victor-Doré primary school offers its services to more than 190 students per year. Joseph-Charbonneau secondary school, founded in 1979, offers its services to more than 200 students annually, up to the age of 21.

These public schools, with a supra-regional vocation, educate young people aged 4 to 21 from more than 10 school boards located on the island of Montreal as well as on its northern and southern fringes.

The teaching staff of both schools support students with physical disabilities in their education. Due to their physical condition, these students require special rehabilitation care, which is provided by professionals from the Marie Enfant Rehabilitation Center at Ste-Justine hospital.

Thanks to a long-standing partnership between the Marie Enfant Rehabilitation Center and the Victor-Doré and Joseph-Charbonneau schools, students can have access, in their learning environment, to specialists from different backgrounds such as: nursing, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, dietitians, social services, etc.

[1] Formerly known as: Foundation of Victor-Doré and Joseph-Charbonneau schools, which was founded in 1987.

School Supplies

Our mission

Always keen to offer students a rich and stimulating environment that meets their abilities and needs, the Foundation makes it an honor and a duty to support innovative projects that benefit all the students of these two schools.

  • Whether to support the development of intellectual abilities by enabling the acquisition of adapted school materials;

  • Whether to promote social development by financing special activities and educational outings;

  • Whether to optimize student comfort by providing them with adapted furniture or sensory stimulation equipment;

  • Whether it is simply to make life easier for these young people who are severely disabled by giving them pet therapy and music therapy experiences;

The Foundation has a great mission, that of providing these students with a unique education that meets their needs and dreams!

Qui sommes nous?

Structure de la Fondation


Le conseil d’administration est composé normalement de 9 administrateurs ou plus (avec droit de vote) qui sont élus avec un mandat de deux ans à la fois.

Le CA accueille également des observateurs avec droit de parole, mais pas de droit de vote, soient les membres de la direction des deux écoles ou leurs substituts.

Plusieurs comités, composés d’administrateurs et d’autres membres, sont formés afin de favoriser la collaboration.


  • Comité stratégique

  • Comité rayonnement

  • Comité financement et allocation de fonds

  • Comité dons majeurs

  • Comité des écoles

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